Document 1920 DOCN M94A1920 TI Contextual AIDS-awareness work in south-west India. DT 9412 AU Schumann U; Centre for Development Initiative, New Delhi, India. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):421 (abstract no. PD0291). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370655 AB OBJECTIVES: AIDS-awareness needs introduction on a broad scale in south-western India where about 80% of Kerala's households in-/directly depend on external income raised in labor migration. Local variations of health cultural attitudes and socio-economic conditions demand built-in evaluation into educational approaches to allow micro adjustments to the local context. METHODS: Increased dynamics of migration resulted in split of families but maintenance of roots and home-visits. Working partners are released into social isolation and cosmopolitan promiscuity. Risk of HIV-infection and heterosexually spread of the virus in rural Kerala is high. Within a framework of health education on symptomatology and prevention of predominant diseases, the peoples health culture is being explored and monitored. On a basis of ongoing evaluations, IEC-materials on HIV-epidemic are developed and disseminated. RESULTS: The method allows adaptive measures in IEC in correlation to attitudes and behaviours rooted in local health culture. It can be utilised as supportive mechanism for behavioural changes in respect to unsafe promiscuity. Emphasis on socio-economic constraints such as migration helps establish acceptance against social stigma towards the carriers of HIV. Computerized evaluation documents utilisation patterns for health service and improves public health planning. CONCLUSIONS: This scientific basis within public health approaches is a tool for popularisation of social-/scientific instruments. It dissolves culturally conditioned denial mechanisms or outcasting sanctions of the target population and facilitates acceptance and coping of the HIV/AIDS-epidemic. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/EPIDEMIOLOGY/*PREVENTION & CONTROL/TRANSMISSION Female Human HIV Infections/EPIDEMIOLOGY/*PREVENTION & CONTROL/TRANSMISSION HIV Seropositivity India/EPIDEMIOLOGY Male Prejudice Risk Factors Rural Population Sex Behavior *Sex Education MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).